
Monday, May 18, 2009


It has been long since i passed Burn Hall but i still remember my first day at school when my parents left me at gate of my school.It just seems tomorrow. For me, Burn Hall days were the most precious of my memories. Those are the best part of my life.

Burn Hall has been home to generation for doctors, engineers, lawyers,scientist, entrepreneurs, politicians and many more.

White shirt, Grey pant, black & white stripe tie,black shoe, blue blazer in winter, school anthem,classmate and playing pranks on teachers still linger in mind.Those corridor,classroom,fancy dress competition,growing & grasping,friendship formed for a lifetime.I wish i could turn the clock back.

I still remember my last day at school when most of my friend parted away to follow their dream.

I will always love Burn Hall, my school, which gave me so much & left me wanting so much more. It have been long time since i have left Burn Hall but Burn Hall have not left me.